Science & Nature Quiz #27 Answers

Science Nature Quiz 27

Here are the answers to Science & Nature Quiz #27…

1. In which organ of the human body would you find the ‘Pylorus’

A. Stomach

2. In what year did Space X conduct its first crewed space mission?

A. 2020

3. ‘House’, ‘Horse’ and ‘Blow’ are all types of what creature?

A. Fly

4. What nationality was notable chemist, inventor and philanthropist ‘Alfred Nobel’?

A. Swedish

5. Nine-banded Armadillo’s nearly always give birth to how many identical same sex babies?

A. 4

6. The temperature at which dew forms, is commonly known as what?

A. The Dew Point

7. Which protein makes blood red in colour?

A. Hemoglobin

8. In which direction does the sun cross the equator during the March Equinox?

A. North

9. Approximately how long is a day on Jupiter? Is it 10 hours? 20 hours? or 30 hours?

A. 10 Hours

10. What is the collective noun for a group of Hyenas?

A. A Cackle

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