History Quiz #30 Answers

History Quiz 30

Here are the answers to History Quiz #30…

1. During the Victorian Era, approximately how many people lived in the British Empire? Was it 400,000? 4 million? Or 400 million?

A. 400 million

2. In which year was Nelson Mandela released from prison?

A. 1990

3. What was the name of Sir Francis Drakes’ Ship?

A. The Golden Hind

4. True or False: The Iron Age came before the Bronze Age?

A. False

5. In which city was William Shakespeare born?

A. Stratford upon Avon

6. Prohibition in the US began in 1919, when did it end?

A. 1933

7. Who was the first Roman Emperor to lead a successful invasion of Britain?

A. Augustus

8. Which forest was the home of Robin Hood?

A. Sherwood Forest

9. Which act abolished slavery throughout the British Empire in 1833?

A. The Emancipation Act (The Slavery Abolition Act 1833)

10. During which century did Vincent Van Gogh live?

A. 19th (1853-1890)


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