History Quiz #10 Answers

History Quiz

Here are the answers to History Quiz #10…

1. In which century did 10 Downing Street become the official residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

A. 18th (1735)

2. Which part of Berlin was enclosed by the wall?

A. The West

3. The Battle of Bosworth Field was the last significant battle of which series of civil wars?

A. War Of The Roses

4. Who was the last Tsar of Russia?

A. Nicholas II

5. In 1863 Abraham Lincoln delivered which infamous speech?

A. Gettysburg Address

6. Which English king died in 1066, leaving no heir to the throne?

A. Edward The Confessor

7. What was the name of the mythological monster which had 9 heads?

A. Hydra

8. Which long distance train first ran in October 1883?

A. Orient Express

9. Who found the entrance to Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Nov 1922?

A. Howard Carter

10. What was Nelson Mandela’s political party called?

A. The African National Congress


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