Geography Quiz #36 Answers

Geography Quiz

Here are the answers to Geography Quiz #36…

1. In terms of population, which is the largest Spanish speaking country in the world?

A. Mexico

2. Apart from London, Glasgow, and Newcastle, which other city in the UK has an underground railway system?

A. Liverpool

3. In which ocean would you be if you were at the geographical position 0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude?

A. Atlantic

4. Prior to reunification, what was the capital of West Germany?

A. Bonn

5. Which is the largest of the Greek Islands?

A. Crete

6. Niagara Falls lies between which which 2 of the Great Lakes?

A. Ontario and Erie

7. Which country has the longest coastline in Europe?

A. Norway

8. Which explorer discovered the islands of Hawaii?

A. Captain James Cook

9. In which city would you find the ‘Wailing Wall’?

A. Jerusalem 

10. William the Conquerer made London the capital of England, prior to this what was the capital city ?

A. Winchester

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