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History Quiz #1 Answers

History Quiz

Welcome to History Quiz #1…

1. Which British university city would have been the new capital if Adolf Hitler’s invasion plans had been successful?

A. Oxford

2. Which US President described the Soviet Union as ‘The Evil Empire’?

A. Ronald Reagan

3. The United States has formally declared war on five different occasions against ten different countries. Can you name who was the first country they declared war on in 1812?

A. Great Britain

4. In what year was the Berlin Wall built?

A. 1961

5. What was the name given to the war that was fought in Europe between 1618 and 1648?

A. The Thirty Year War

6. What name was given to the members of the League of Women who campaigned for the rights of women to vote?

A. Suffragettes

7. In what year was the Battle of Britain?

A. 1940

8. Who was the first woman to be elected as Speaker of the House of Commons?

A. Betty Boothroyd

9. Which British pre-decimal coin was worth 2 Shillings?

A. Florin

10. What is the name given to the survey of England carried out on the instructions of William the Conqueror?

A. The Doomsday Book

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